1 file

Barnes Wallis employment and personal file

1 file

Drawings of airships with mooring masts

1 file

Design of duralumin airship girders (Plates)

1 file

Flight trials - R26

1 file

Stability and controllability of airships

19 files and 1 item

Vickers specifications for rigid and non-rigid airships

1 file

War productions

1 file

Metal aeroplane construction July 1919

1 file

Capacity and performance of rigids

13 files and 4 items

Publicity booklets

2 files

Airship transport services

2 files

Landing and mooring gear for airships


HMA R34 postcard

1 file and 4 items

Airship ephemera

1 file

Vickers passenger and mail airship scheme


Aéronerfs et Aérostats catalogue

2 files

Landing and mooring gear for airships

1 file

Special tools for rigid airship construction

1 file

Specification of new design of rigid airship R.80-25L

1 file

Cancelled machinery specification of new design of rigid airship

1 file

Particulars regarding R-80 design

1 file

Proposed specification of rigid airship of 3,500,000 cu. ft. capacity for USA government

1 file

Proposed schemes for building rigid airships for USA government

1 file

Particulars regarding R-80 design

1 file

Proposed specification of R80 type rigid airship of 1,200,000 cu. ft. capacity for USA Navy

1 file

Specification of sea scout airship of 100,000 cu. ft. capacity

1 file

Proposed airship for Swedish air traffic co.

1 file

Amended machinery specification of rigid airship R-80 (25L)

1 file

Specification of Vickers non-rigid airship of 500,000 cu. ft. capacity with parseval type envelope

1 file

Specification of wireless telegraphy & telephony installation for S S Airship

5 boxes, 1 file, 1 item

Airships to 1921

1 file

Drawing office data sheets

1 item

Vickers (Aviation) Ltd. research and development staff list 1952


Memorandum and articles of association of Vickers (Aviation) Limited.

1 item

Vickers (Aviation) Ltd. research and development staff list 1951

1 file

Notes on water recovery

1 file

Speed and air resistance of airships

1 file

Report on experiments with H.P.Vee Spars

1 item

Design of duralumin airship girders (Plates)

1 file

Drawings of rigid airships, semi-rigid airships, non-rigid airships and mooring masts

1 file

Metal aeroplane construction February 1919

1 file

Stresses in rigid airships

1 file

Airship transport services

1 file

Preliminary aircraft catalogue

1 item

Airships exhibition leaflet

1 item

Airships and balloons catalogue

1 file

London-Paris-Rome airship service

1 file

Proposed rigid airship of 3,500,000 cu. ft. capacity

1 file

Proposed specification of R80 type rigid airship of 1,250,000 cu. ft. capacity for USA

1 file

Specification of rigid airship of 1,250,000 cu. ft. capacity of improved R-80 type